Does it Really Matter Where You Buy Essential Oils?

Being frugal, I try to make sure I get the best deal when I buy essential oils. As moms we make a lot of buying decisions and for those of us who like to be healthy, we also have to decide the best place to get the essential oils we use on our families.

Buy essential oils

Factors to Consider When You Buy Essential Oils:

  1. How much will I have to use? Whether we diffuse essential oils, use them topically, or ingest them, I want to make sure I don’t have to use 10 drops when 1 will do. I have found that buying cheap oils often gets me cheap results. Pure essential oils go a long way and we frugal moms like to get the pure stuff so we don’t have to use as much.
  2. Are they pure? US labeling laws are so lax and companies can write “100% pure” on their label and it might only contain a little bit of pure oil. The part of the bottle that contains oil, has to be pure, but who knows what other kinds of fillers or chemicals have been added to the bottle? I don’t want to put chemicals or fillers on my family that could harm them in any way!
  3. Is the company a wellness company or just a supplement company? It’s important that the company where you buy essential oils know how the body works. The company I use creates the most essential oil blends in the world because they know how the body works and what oils work well together. This company makes oil blends FIRST to fill a need and then if they earn something from it, great.
  4. Does the company I use own their own farms? Ask them if you can visit their farms and see them distill their oil? Many companies claim that they have their own farms, but they just purchase from privately owned farms. They don’t have full control of whether pesticides are used during the growing process. They don’t know whether solvents are used in distillation. And they don’t know what seeds are used or can guarantee the best quality oil.


Where to Never Buy Your Oils


By all means, NEVER buy your oils from Amazon even if they say Young Living on the bottle. There are bottle caps you can buy that look just like the unsealed bottles. People fill the bottles with some other substance. Then they add these sealed bottle caps and play it off as a true bottle of Young Living oil.


I have seen videos posted about this from real people. People compare the oils they buy from Young Living directly to those purchased from Amazon and they are clearly not the same thing. When you buy directly from the company, you have access to customer service and information support from your sponsors.Young Living Lemon essential oil


We have used essential oils in our home for the past four years and have never looked back. They have been amazing and so helpful in so many areas of our lives. They help me, as a mom, be able to feel empowered when one of my family members has a health concern. I can feel like I’m actually doing something to help them improve their health.


The only pure essential oils we use and have found to be most effective are Young Living oils. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


If you want to get these oils in your home and take advantage of all of the resources I provide for those in our group, follow the instructions on the right side of this page and use to complete your registration. I provide lots of hand-holding for those that need it once you get your oils through this link.


Get even more information and tips on using and purchasing essential oils at


Learn how to build your own awesome essential oil collection here.

essential oil sample


Where to buy essential oils

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